
If you have concerns regarding your account or service please contact the customer service number at (877) 987-2782
Helpful Tips and Hints About Your System
What Equipment is Your Responsibility
Much of the equipment used to provide water is located beneath the ground, and it can be difficult for customers to determine what is their responsibility versus what equipment is Aquas responsibility. The following descriptions explain the facilities and equipment used to provide water service from the company's water main to your property. The following list details where responsibility lies between the customer and the company.
Company Service Line: Owned and maintained by the company, this service line extends from the water main to the curb stop or curb line.
Curb Stop: Owned and maintained by the company, the curb stop is a valve that can be opened and closed to control the supply of water to the property.
Meter: Owned and installed by the company, this device is used to measure water consumption at the customers property. Although the meter is owned by the company, the customer is responsible for providing an adequate location for the meter, making it accessible and assuring that it is protected from damage, including that caused by freezing.
Meter Pit: Owned and maintained by the customer, this structure is constructed by, or for, the customer to house the water meter outside of the customers home at an underground location. Customers are responsible for keeping the pit visible and for all the plumbing within the pit. The illustration shows a meter in the home, so the meter pit is not shown.
Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV): Owned, installed and maintained by the customer, this device is designed to reduce water pressure within the customers home if the pressure of the company's distribution system exceeds a certain threshold set by the plumbing code (typically 60 pounds per square inch). Installing a PRV might increase the life of internal plumbing fixtures and piping. A plumber can verify the pressure in your home and determine whether a PRV should be installed as part of your internal plumbing.
The following items should NEVER be flushed into the sewer system:
Disinfecting/ Surface Wipes
Baby Wipes
Jewelry Wipes
Cosmetic Wipes 
Disposable Diapers or Diaper Liners
Cotton Swabs
Toilet Cleaning Pads
Mop or “Swifter” Type Refills
Paper Towels
First Aid Wipes
Bio-Pads (Nursing Home, Home Health Care, ETC.)
Feminine Hygiene Products 
ANY Moist Type Towelettes 

Avoiding Cross-Connections
A cross-connection is a point in plumbing systems where drinking water might come in contact with, and be contaminated by, hazardous materials: solid, liquid or gas.
If you leave a hose in non-potable (not fit for drinking) water such as soapy or pool water, you could contaminate your drinking water. For example, if the pressure in the water main feeding your property drops while your hose is submerged in non-potable water, suction of that water back into your pipes or Aqua's distribution main could occur.
The Safe Water Drinking Act requires that backflow protection devices be installed on all non-potable water services.
Here are some plumbing tips to help avoid backflow incidents:
Install backflow prevention devices on threaded faucets in your home, especially outdoor hose faucets. Inexpensive backflow preventers, like hose connection vacuum breakers, can be found at many local plumbing supply stores.
Keep the ends of hoses clear of any possible contaminants. Never leave a hose in a sink, bucket, drain or tub. Also, keep water levels in such items below faucets and inlet valves.
Don't use spray device attachments that contain chemicals, such as weed killers, on your hose without a backflow prevention device.